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PANDORA'S LOG, Stardate 24020604

Guntower Mike

Well that was intense!

Back and finally recovered from a hectic UK Games Expo, where we showed off the game to literally hundreds of interested sci-fi fans.  It was such a blast seeing so many people getting a kick out of our game.  So thank you everyone for the wonderful experience!

But before I go any further, I owe an apology to the hundred or so who signed up at earlier games meets, got a welcome email from us, then never heard from us again.

I discovered as I was inputting the three hundred plus emails we got over the weekend that Wix randomly marks some of the entries as ‘Never Subscribed’ if I’m not careful. I just happened to notice this and when I checked back over earlier email entries, I discovered that 105 of you had been marked this way and never received any emails from us because Wix only sends out to those who are marked as ‘Subscribed’.  So I am truly sorry to the 105 - we weren’t ignoring you, we were just caught out by technology.

Anyway, I’d like to take this opportunity not only to welcome the lost 105 back into the fold, but also to welcome aboard the 340 of you who signed up via various media over the weekend.  If you want to get involved in feeding back to us and helping to shape how Pandora Celeste shakes out, you can join us on Facebook, Discord, YouTube and Instagram.

We also have a TTS Mod which you can access through our Discord Server, and I’ll be hopping online occasionally to run demos for anyone who’s interested.

But most importantly, please FOLLOW US ON


  ON JULY 9TH AT 1pm UKT/8am EST

But it’s only worth us doing that if we know we have your backing. 

We’ve carefully costed this so that if we hit our funding goal we can produce 500 copies of everything you saw this weekend.  There are no hidden funding targets we have to reach to meet that goal: if we fund, we will make the game you saw as advertised. 

But I am completely open about the fact that I don’t want to just make the game we showed you last weekend – I want to make that game plus at least 3 extra Crew (Gover the Whinger, Marina the Colonial Marine and Science Officer Keni – yep the one they killed in the Prologue of our Learning Campaign, B!$£*&s!); and at last count something like 8 extra Big Nasties that play off many of the tropes in the genre we all love: among them the Time Jumper, the Ular on tripods, the Garr’Goyle and the Cyber-Slaver who wants to convert you all into androids.

And I can only do that if we fund early and start unlocking Stretch Goals. 

So over the next couple of weeks, I am going to be updating our Preview Page on Gamefound with our various pricing tiers and the Rewards they have to offer.  Then I plan to pop the question: do you intend to back us?  I’ll most likely do that in a poll on Gamefound: so it would be great if you were Following us there, because we’re going to be Launching on Gamefound and if you’re not there, it’s pretty clear that you won’t be backing us.

The result of that poll will decide whether we push the button on July 9th or wait to grow our audience to a point where we know we can get funded.

So, no pressure, but if you want to see this game get made, please

That’s all for now folks. Watch out for those dark corners!





Check us out on BoardgameGeek!


If you enjoyed the game, please rate us or even become a fan!

If you hated the game, please recommend us to your enemies!




24 August 2024

We have been invited by Waterstones to show of the Pandora on their games celebration day at Waterstones Cambridge


Strange Games Festival

23-26 August 2024

Bringing the Pandora to the friendly fields of Strange in Haisham, Sussex for a chilled out weekend of running screaming from aliens.

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31 August 2024

We will be demonstrating Pandora Celeste at the Good Game Boardgames Cafe in Banbury on Saturday 31st August.

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