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PANDORA'S LOG: Stardate 24020902

Guntower Mike

So I went to see Alien: Romulus this weekend and I loved it! Definitely one of the better films in the Alien franchise.

The only downside is that now no-one will ever believe that I came up with the Sentinel Protocol before I saw the movie. But here's the proof that we were testing it 2 months ago:

So Pandora Celeste not only pays loving homage to the sci-fi monster movies that have already been made - it also predicts the plot of the ones we haven't seen yet! 😝

Without giving away any Spoilers, I really can't see what all the fuss is about with Rook. The family gave the film their blessing and were very happy to see him included, and the way they deliberately combined animatronics with CGI made it very true to its source material. Gave me goosebumps to see him there! What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below (without giving anything away).

Really good movie. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it already.

So... Less than 36 hours to go in our Kickstarter Late Pledge campaign!

We're close to releasing the Clean-Up Protocol and have a chance of unleashing Fen(R1R) upon the Ship if enough people back us in the last 24 hours.

If you haven't backed the game yet and are still on the fence, I recommend you listen to this Level Up Podcast to help make up your mind. The actual review starts at 09:10.

And this gives you a good idea of the kind of edge-of-your-seat ending you'll get in nearly every game of Pandora Celeste - it reminds me of the escape scene in Alien Romulus! 😆

We will have a Late Pledge running on Gamefound later this month, but this is your last chance to actually help add content to this game!  If you back us now, anything you release will be added to the Stretch Goals.  Once the Late Pledge is up, the game will be locked and we will no longer be releasing extra content.

So back us now and help make Pandora Celeste even more epic than it already is!

Those dark corners are beckoning...




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24 August 2024

We have been invited by Waterstones to show of the Pandora on their games celebration day at Waterstones Cambridge


Strange Games Festival

23-26 August 2024

Bringing the Pandora to the friendly fields of Strange in Haisham, Sussex for a chilled out weekend of running screaming from aliens.

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31 August 2024

We will be demonstrating Pandora Celeste at the Good Game Boardgames Cafe in Banbury on Saturday 31st August.

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