So this is it Peeps - WE LAUNCH TODAY!
If you’re thinking of backing us, please consider backing us early cos it’s a win-win for everyone.
We get to the Stretch Goals quicker, giving all of you more Big Nasties & other goodies (or should that be ‘baddies’ 😈) for more replayability.
And you get to save money in the first 48 hours with the free ShapeShifter Expansion.
It also doesn’t matter when you back us, you only get charged on August 6th if we actually Fund, no matter when you back. So backing us early costs you nothing – it might even save you money if you want the ShapeShifter – and gets you more variety in the game into the bargain.
If that hasn’t persuaded you, maybe this 26-second pitch will:
And if you don’t believe me, check out this independent preview by Jason & Tonia of Boardgame Nook:
For some excellent gameplay footage, Zach and Chris of Room & Board have an absolute blast playing the game in the Reviews section of our Gamefound page. So if you haven't done so already...
And dive into those dark corners!
See you on the other side,